Thursday, June 3, 2010


Every year on 15th of June, Gawia Nyobeng ( in Dayak Bidayuh Sibujit dialect), or Gawia Mukah Bak (in Dayak Bidayuh Jagoi dialect) or Festival Of The Skulls, is celebrated in a Dayak Bidayuh village of Sebujit.

The annual three-day celebration, is to appease the spirit of the skulls, which are securely kept in the attic of a skull house called 'Baruk'.

The skulls are actually the trophies of past head hunting activities called 'ngoyu'. Although the practice of 'Ngoyu' is now long gone, 'nyobeng' is still celebrated annually by the Sebujit folks.

This year, the festival is celebrated for a week as nyobeng is now in the Indonesian calendar of tourism. On 12th-14th of June, the activities include exhibition of handicrafts and cultural shows. On 15th June is nyobeng proper, or the climax of the festival. On 16 June is the final day of nyobeng.

Pak Gunawan, the Ketua Panitia (Organising Chairman) is inviting the village chiefs of neighbouring Dayak Bidayuh villages, whether in West Kalimantan or Sarawak (North Borneo), to the festival.

However, tourists, though welcome, will have to come in under the homestay program.

Interested parties from Sarawak are encouraged to contact Pak Pantak at email:


  1. Maybe dayak in Sarawak still practice this tradition? I'not sure. Good we still can see this type of tradition, it should be preserve for our younger generation...

  2. Good gracious NO!.Head hunting is history. It is banned and is illegal.
    We do though, by the stroke of the pen. haha...
